

27 stycznia 2005



with KLEFFMANN you are always one step ahead

KLEFFMANN is one of the most significant international institutions of agricultural market research. We do both quantity and quality research, answering the most difficult questions connected with the functioning od AGRO market.

We are the information bridge between the farmers and companies producing for agriculture needs and service provider parties operating in this sector.

We recognize expactations and opinions of farmers, advisers, distribution chains and other parties  being present in a branch i.e.: sugar company, fat processing factory, which are vital  in preparing effective  trade and marketing campaigns.

We define the most optimal channels in order to  reach the target groups what creates marketing communication really effective.

Fulfilling our mission is possible thanks to   kindness and confidence of our farm producers and of our partners which appreciate our over 10 years' experience on the Polish market.  

Kleffmann & Partner Sp. z o.o.
Badanie rynku i marketing
ul. Rzemieślnicza 7
62 – 002 Suchy Las/Poznań
Tel: +48/61/650 74 74
Fax: +48/61/650 74 70 ·


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